Programming mistakes happen from time to time. No matter what level of programming you do, you will make mistakes from time to time.
However, for programming to work properly, it must be precise and accurate. If a programmer makes too many mistakes, the code simply won’t work. As long as it’s not a matter of life and death, random errors are not a problem, but frequent errors can ruin your credibility and your work.
If you want to become a better programmer, you need to understand the most common mistakes and avoid them. Here are five mistakes to avoid.
Before we talk about programming mistakes… Let’s talk about errors.
There are three main types of errors that can cause bugs in your code. These three types of errors are
- Syntax
- Logic
- Execution
The syntax of a programming language indicates how the code must be written to function properly. Many programmers are familiar with several programming languages, but there are considerable differences between them, and syntax errors can make a program completely unusable. Incorrect spelling of words and missing parentheses are examples of syntax errors.
Logical errors do not completely stop a program, but they can cause it to behave in unexpected ways. A programmer may accidentally create an infinite loop, which is an example of a logic error. These are the most difficult errors to detect.
Finally, there are runtime errors that occur during the execution of a program. These errors can cause a crash.
Programming errors are not always the cause of errors, but it is important to know what type of error you are dealing with when they occur. Programmers can’t avoid errors entirely, but if they understand how they work, they can minimize them.
Programming mistakes and how to avoid them
1. Wrong variable name
When writing code, you should always strive to be as clear as possible. When you or someone else goes back over the code, it is immediately understandable. This means avoiding single-letter variable names and obscure abbreviations.
Don’t make variable names confusing (for example, don’t make them up). This will only irritate those who have to deal with the code later. Don’t try to be clever or creative in naming variables. Clarity is more important.
2. Do not use comments.
Again, this is to make the code easier to interpret. Programmers should make their code clear and understandable to both people and machines.
After all, colleagues can check and modify your code. Some beginners don’t use comments at all, which can make the code hard to read and extremely confusing.
On the other hand, too many comments can be a problem. They can get in the way, duplicate information, and require maintenance. Before you make a comment, ask yourself: Is it really necessary? Is it really necessary?
Comments are used when there is a possibility that a competent programmer cannot understand the code. Some uses of comments include making notes after an error has been fixed, using an external link, or explaining code that seems unnecessary but is necessary for the program to work. Remember, however, that a good comment is not the solution to bad code.
3. Lack of consistency
Many inexperienced programmers have no idea how to keep their code up-to-date. However, if someone looks at your code a few months or years later, they will be very upset if your code is inconsistent. Programming, even in an established language, is abstract art, and you must establish and follow your own conventions at the beginning of each project.
What do these conventions consist of? This includes a variety of things, including consistent naming conventions, code formatting (e.g., placement of parentheses), and method design. Many organizations have style guidelines that their programmers must follow.
Some might argue that as long as the code works, there is no problem. However, if you’ve ever dealt with inconsistent programming from others, you know how annoying it can be to deal with different designations and conventions.
4. Creating cumbersome functions
You should create clean, uncluttered code and break up functions as necessary. Think about maintenance If you create large functions, it will be difficult to maintain your program. Smaller functions are more manageable and allow for more targeted maintenance.
To create a program that works, it’s easier to keep it as simple as possible. Simplification may seem like a lot of work, but good programmers know how important it is to simplify things to reduce the amount of work that needs to be done later. You can visit DML for all kinds of development solutions.
5. Don’t ask questions
If something doesn’t work or you don’t know how to do something, you may feel anxious. That’s okay. But if you don’t ask questions, you have a big problem.
There are many sources of information on the Internet. So before you ask someone a question directly, you should check to see if the answer has already been given. You probably won’t have to ask your boss the basic question, “What is a palindrome? But if you have a specific question about a piece of code you’re working on and can’t find an answer, ask.
People who have been in the industry for a long time are generally willing to share their knowledge. They like to talk about code. By asking questions, you will become a better programmer and can avoid many programming mistakes. Your mentor, boss, colleague, or teacher can help you do this!