Cerner offers a number of solutions that can assist health clinics in providing excellent care while increasing their return on investment. Find out more about Cerner EHR here!
Cerner EHR
Cerner EHR was created and developed for doctors to deliver completely effective healthcare software to practices of all sizes and specialties. On smartphone and tablets platforms, doctors and practice employees could retrieve client data and complete processes, and voice dictation is supported by Cerner’s Ambulatory solution. Cerner EHRs processes are completely configurable and cover over 50 different medical specialties.
The Cerner charting system has a “Chart Search” feature that cuts down on the amount of time spent looking for data. Cerner Ambulatory EHR has a user-friendly interface and safe access to client information. Ambulatory comprises ePrescribe, nCode, digital lab requisition, and data monitoring, all of which are aimed to save time and decrease the risk of human mistakes while establishing a diagnosis.
Is Cerner an EHR or EMR?
Cerner is an EHR (electronic health record) system, which is more extensive than an EMR software in that it includes practice administration, charting, and health billing in addition to managing medical information.
Who uses Cerner EHR?
Cerner EHR is utilised in over 26,000 institutions globally and can handle the demands of any size company. The Department of Defence (DoD) and the Veterans Administration (VA) have chosen Cerner to modernise the outdated VistA EHR system. The deal is estimated to be valued billions of dollars and will take numerous years to complete.
What are the top Cerner EHR Features?
Client Portal
The Client Portal is the first aspect of the Cerner EHR System that we’d like to emphasise. A good Client Portal is a must-have for any EHR program, and it’s also become a standard need for any healthcare practice. Half of the administrative tasks are taken care of by a strong Client Portal, such as Cerner EHR. Individuals are given control over their own medical treatment. This tool enables your customers to plan meetings on their own. It also allows users to review their lab findings and monitor their development. The client portal in the Cerner EHR system greatly improves client involvement.
Makes Documentation Easier
Medical documentation is an important element of any health practice, and it must be handled properly. Cerner’s medical documentation tool is meant to make filling in such data as simple as possible. Cerner EMR allows you to write notes using voice narration since the program can transform them into a text-based manner. This simplifies things for you and makes collecting patient data much easier. When you receive the Cerner EMR demo, we strongly advise you to take a close look at this functionality. The portion of time saved by this function alone is good enough to justify the Cerner EMR cost!
Streamlined Client Scheduling Process
Cerner Scheduling Management streamlines the appointment scheduling procedure within a medical department or practice by combining centralised and decentralised bookings. It handles appointment scheduling among several medical facilities, whether they are separate or interconnected. Customers can quickly arrange a sequence of meetings and handle several institutions’ schedules. It assists them in validating clinical needs at numerous stages in the process, as well as avoiding the potentially dangerous meeting and process encounters. It also allows users to change appointments around within a single screen.
What kind of training and support do they offer?
Cerner Epic is a support model that allows caretakers to “coincide and interact with other practitioners, doctors, and clients” in order to deliver first-class services to patients. Cerner’s help desk is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Cerner can also be accessed through, uCern, online chat, or the Cerner Support hotline, depending on how your practice prefers to work. Cerner advises that each client organisation have a Web Security Officer (WSO), who is responsible for regulating the amount of access allowed to the business’s users.
What does Cerner EHR Tour as their value Proposition?
Cerner is an apparent pick as a top competitor in the supplier selection procedure, offering scalability due to its vast presence in the medical technology market. Cerner created Cerner Care, “a one sign-on system for most Cerner online apps and help websites for medical practitioners, medical IT experts, and customers,” to streamline how your practice communicates with its web-based programs. Rather than having to maintain many usernames and passwords, you can log in once to visit multiple web-based apps. Cerner also maintains its technological leadership by enabling developers to create apps that “advance the health care sector via increased interoperability capabilities” as part of its Cerner Open Developer Experience (code)
What are some of the benefits of Cerner EHR?
Increase Productivity and Efficiency
Invest less time documenting and recording data and more time focusing on the patient. To give a more precise diagnosis and treatment, use healthcare analytics and other techniques. Information is kept up to date with real-time updates.
Mobile App
Clinicians can use their mobile devices to review client data, seek prescriptions and refills, evaluate diagnostics, and verify medical outcomes. Doctors benefit from voice dictation because it facilitates paperwork.
Patient Experience
A client portal can provide comfort and assist customers to save time. They could use their phones to check lab reports, change private data, check-in online before a visit, and connect with their doctors.
Clinical and Financial Integration
Simplify operations and improve the interaction between invoicing and medical departments via integrations. Digitally monitor financial results as well as save and recover information.
Developer Support
Use Cerner Open Developer Experience to engage with third-party and customer designers, which supports open collaboration and offers API documentation, standards, and access to app development resources.
Final Thoughts!
Cerner offers comprehensive protection for critical medical information as well as a user-friendly interface. Its capacity to promote collaboration across diverse medical facilities is also praised by users. Updates that are few and sluggish, resulting in downtime and a lack of customer assistance, are likewise problematic. Overall, it’s a good option for businesses searching for an easy-to-use, safe EHR system. If you are thinking of investing in Cerner EHR, make sure you schedule a Cerner EHR demo first. During the demo, look for the Cerner EHR features you have seen users talk about the most. Furthermore, you can also check out Cerner vs Epic to its comparison with one of the leading EHR systems out there. Also, go through Cerner EHR reviews to know what the current customers think of the software!