The counterfeit and imitation product sector has grown in tandem with the growth of the market for high-quality plywood. Apart from the traditional usage of plywood and wooden goods in furniture buildings, we can now employ plywood and wooden products in a variety of decor items. CenturyPly had to conduct a massive raid in Kolkata lately, as some dealers were selling fraudulent counterfeit goods under the name CenturyPly.
Purchasing a fake or counterfeit item will not provide you with the same level of quality or product assurance. If one purchases from CenturyPly, for example, the company not only provides a guarantee but also has ISI-marked items, which is a good sign that the item is of high quality and authentic. Some counterfeit products now mimic the real original product and resemble or look exactly like the original, leading to confusion and the purchase of the fake product.
With all that in view, CenturyPly has introduced a CenturyPromise app for all customers, which allows them to check the quality of CenturyPly plywood. Currently, entirely eliminating counterfeit and phony products in the market is exceedingly unlikely. However, by being cautious, attentive, and using the proper procedures to purchase the product, one may always take steps to get genuine, legitimate things from the market.
How to check plywood quality
- Download the app from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
- Login with an existing credential or create new ones that you may use.
- CenturyPromise will launch a scanner, which will be used to scan the QR code located on the materials or plywood. It doesn’t matter if you’re ordering a single item or a large quantity. You can use the scanning on any Century product at any time. It’s often possible to manually input the QR code if you do not wish to scan it or if the reader is not working for whatever reason.
- The application would tell you if the purchase is legitimate and genuine when you enter or scan the code.
Apart from assisting you in determining the authenticity of genuine century plywood, this program can also share the scanned product’s specifications as well as a genuine plywood certification. If desired, users could also obtain its e-warranty for the purchased wood from this application for future access.
This CenturyPromise App will assist you in obtaining only genuine, truthful century products, and you will be able to use all century products in any construction with ease, as the chances of fictitious and counterfeit products will be reduced once everyone begins to use this application before purchasing any century product. CenturyPromise is very simple to install and use. This program may be easily downloaded from the google play store or the app store.
CenturyPromise is one of India’s most popular plywood authentication apps, focused on offering high-quality products to all of its users. They are quite well trained in making a difference in a variety of plywood, including water-resistant plywood, antifungal plywood, thanks to their use of modern systems and machinery.
Purchasing high quality plywood is critical since it would be a waste of time and money if one discovers after a substantial investment that the material is not authentic and the project must be abandoned. Or, after the work is completed, the plywood does not exhibit the excellence you were guaranteed when you purchased it. Several other companies are also attempting to combat counterfeit and phony products on the market.
However, with CenturyPromise software, one could always be sure to acquire only real and legitimate materials and keep ahead of false and counterfeit products, allowing them to engage in plywood once and use it for a long time. Choosing CenturyPly for any type of project, whether it’s a school or hospitality building, or your dream home, will never be a bad decision. They are dedicated to supplying plywoods that are long-lasting, real, genuine, and smooth, as well as genuine proof and a guarantee card.